Monday, September 28, 2009

Sublime Albums - Rivers of Babylon

Hi, classmates!
This video was recorded in my last show. So, watch me sing and enjoy! hehe

Sublime - Rivers of Babylon (version)

By the rivers of babylon

Where he sat down

And there he went

When he remebered zion.

For the wicked, carry us away

Captivity require from us a song

How can we sing king alphas song in a strange land?

So let the words of our mouth

And the meditations of our hearts

Be acceptable in thy sight

Over i

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Flat Life

Man in the orange apartment:

- Well, well, well... Let me see... This painting is perfect! But I guess that I'm painting something different. Hmmm... I'm not sure, but I think that I already did this. It doesn't matter. I'm not worried about that.

Man in the yellow apartment:

- TV sucks, I want to something new! Maybe I can buy a radio. No, I don't. I don't have any money. This building is too boring. I wish that something new happens right now, dude...

Old man in the green apartment:

- I lost my patience! This cards are the only thing that i have in my life, except my TV of course . I'm playing with myself all day long. My mom is dead and I don't see my father for years. Well, a five minutes ago my TV burned literally and my conscience said to me that the best thing to do was to throw my TV out the window.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


In the last class we did an interesting task. Each student spoke about different places after a short research on the internet.

My group spoke about CANCÚN. Yesterday we don't find much informations about this city.Ane and I were speak about the mushrooms farm, but we didn't have success.

I think that I write better than I speak. I'm sure that I've to understand this lock or something, but now I don't know how what to do exactly.

I accept advices.

Did you pass some similar situation in your life?

Hugs to all.
